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” Kathy said brightly.The call ended. Kevin sat and waited.Kathy Rogers stood in her kitchen allowing herself a few moments of weakness. Then she grabbed a dish towel and dried her eyes. She picked up a landline phone and pushed a button then put it on speaker phone.“Rogers Cylinder. This is George.”“George, this is Kathy. I need Ben on the phone as quick as you can get him, please.”“He right here.”Ben said. “Hi, Momma.”“Ben, Kevin’s in danger.”“WHAT!”“He told me Carly was involved in something at Mr. Booker’s store by the High School. Then in the family code, he told me he thought he was going to need your help plus as much as you could bring.”“Where’s he at?” Ben said.“He didn’t say, but he knows to wait until we contact him.”Ben grabbed a notepad and pen and started writing. “Call him when we get off and make sure he stays put until I tell him otherwise. This could be a diversion. We need to get Meg too. I’ll have Rudy send his people for her.”“Ben, If you send a stranger they have. She told me that it was a bit of a surprise to see me for the first time dressed like this. She went on to say that starting today, twice a month would be date night with her new found ‘girlfriend.’ We went and took a nice warm shower where she told me that I would learn how to suck a cock by practicing on her dildo. Then she told me I will need to take a cock up my ass. ‘If you try to protest and not do as I say, you will be severely punished,’ as she rubbed my ass. I was told to spread my legs and lean down. When I was in position, I felt her soapy finger push slowly into my ass. When I was use to having it in, my wife then fucked my virgin ass. Reaching around, she fondled my nut sac as I stroked my shaft. ‘Oooooohhhh God, this feels so good!’ With her finger and hand doing their magic, I came once again. My cream spewed forth and covered the wall. Pulling her finger from my ass she moved to the wall and wiped it clean. Bringing her hand to my mouth, we both licked her hand clean..
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